Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague

Currently at the faculty

Study programmes

Videos and podcasts – what we can do and what we enjoy

Graduate of Faculty of Civil Engineering, CTU in Prague becoming a professor of aviation at the prestigious Imperial College London

prof. Zahra Sharif Khodaei

Use of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete technology

doc. Josef Fládr

Problematics of human-beaver coexistence

Doc. Tomáš Dostál a Ing. Martin Dočkal, Ph.D.

Possibilities of using glass and stainless steel in load-bearing structures

doc. Martina Eliášová, prof. Michal Jandera

Teaching architecture in virtual reality

Prof. Michal Šourek a Bc. Martin Kříž

3D printed intraosseous implants

Doc. Ing. Aleš Jíra, Ph.D.

Videos and podcasts – what we can do and what we enjoy

Responsible: prof. Jiří Máca, CSc.