The Faculty Departments combine top research capacities with practice and ensure the transfer of scientific knowledge. Our experts are the authors of numerous patents and modern technical solutions. The Faculty comprises 24 Departments and 3 autonomous Research Institutes employing more than 450 academic and research staff members.
The study of architecture and its incorporation in the subjects taught at the Faculty of Civil Engineering has a long tradition. The Department of Architecture provides instruction in courses oriented towards architectural theory and its application in individual architectural subjects. These are, in particular, History of Architecture, Art History, Architectural Drawing, Architectural Composition, Building Science and principally Studios.
The department supervises instruction in bachelor study programme Architecture and Building Engineering, following master study programme Architecture and Building Engineering. The department is also responsible for doctoral degree study (programme Architecture and Building Engineering with branches Architecture and Building Engineering and Sustainable development and industrial heritage.
The aim is to provide graduating architects with a broader civil engineering background so that they may be in charge of the entire construction process - acting as creative specialists in the conceptual design stage and the design of all types of buildings at all project phases, including the authorship of technical solution concepts, working in the position of project team coordinators, project managers (Engineers, correctly Architects), being prepared for performing architectural and technical supervision, careers in governmental agencies and state authorities, at research establishments and in other areas both within and outside the sector of capital construction.
The department supervises tuition in the area of concrete and masonry structures of residential and commercial buildings, office blocks and industrial buildings as well as road and railway bridges in Bachelor and Master degree programmes. The department puts special emphasis on instruction in doctoral degree study programs and prepares courses within lifelong learning programmes. The staff members of the department are engaged in theoretical and experimental research in the field of the investigation of the behaviour of concrete and masonry structures, research of cement-based composite materials, fibre concrete, properties of early-aged concrete, reinforced masonry and pre-stressed concrete structures, fire safety design and applications of research achievements in practical design projects.
The department laboratory covers the needs for education and research and is also used for solving particular problems for practical applications.
An important segment of departmental activities are expert opinions and expertise services.
The department provides lecturing in the field of construction economics and management in bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. Our courses cover all technical and economic areas and aspects of modern engineering, construction and finance, construction projects, building design, company/project management, estimating, valuation, life cycle costs, information modelling (BIM), supply systems, buildings’ energy management, etc. Our educational aim is to help students acquire the tools, develop the skills and cultivate the mindset of a civil engineer and an entrepreneur. We equip future professionals with a broad theoretical and practical basis in the field of construction and management to succeed and create economic and social value throughout the world in accordance with the principles of sustainable construction.The department is the guarantor of the following study programs: Bachelor's degree - Management and Economics in Construction, Master's degree - Project Management and Engineering, Construction Management, PhD. Study - Construction Management and Engineering , habilitation procedure and procedure for appointment as a professor - Construction management and engineering. The department also provides teaching of subjects focused on construction management and economics in all study programs of the faculty.The department is also a well-respected and objective public authority in the field of determining costs (calculations, budgets, life cycle costs, project management) of large public sector construction projects. The department has long cooperated with a number of state administration bodies and public institutions. The department provides lifelong learning in semester courses for employees of large construction companies and government in the areas of BIM, construction management and project management. Members of the department significantly participate in the activities of the Expert Institute of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.The department is a member of two prestigious societies - Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) and European Civil Engineering and Management (ECEM) and thus has the opportunity to share and apply the latest experience of foreign universities in lecturing and creative activities. The department is the publisher of the scientific journal Business & IT. Its employees and Ph.D. students are also actively involved in many diverse research projects.
The Department of Physics provides courses in physics for all students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Besides the core courses in physics (Mechanics of Material Points, Mechanics of the Continuum, Thermodynamics of Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Electricity and Magnetism), the department offers special elective courses for students whose branch of civil engineering requires specialized knowledge in a specific area of physics (Application of Nanotechnologies in Civil Engineering, Physical Diagnostics, Transport Phenomena, Applied Physics in Construction, Physics Seminar etc.), and also courses for the doctoral degree students (thermodynamics and statistical physics, kinetic processes in materials, physical chemistry, applied physics etc.).
The staff members of the department are engaged in research focused on the following key issues:
Application of polymer nanofibres in civil engineering.
Application of carbon nanotubes (CNT) to modify cement grains.
Investigation into phase changes and chemical reactions in building materials.
Modern optical measurement methods.
Transport and degradation processes in porous construction materials.
Effects of ionizing radiation on characteristics of building materials.
Physical concept of intelligent buildings.
Research projects of the Department of Physics are carried out in the Centre of Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering at FCE CTU in Prague, in cooperation with the Institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and with international institutes (LCPC Paris, STU Bratislava etc.), and also as research grant projects awarded by the Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR), the Centre of Excellence of the Czech Science Foundation etc.
Geomatics is the science-based engineering discipline and the information technology that deals with acquisition, modeling, analysis and management of spatial data and includes applications such as satellite-based positioning, remote sensing, land surveying, photogrammetry, and geographic information systems.
The department provides tuition in the bachelor, master, and PhD-degree courses in geodesy (geodetic surveying, physical geodesy, satellite geodesy), adjustment calculus, mapping, land register, cartography, geographic information systems, and programming. Our research projects are mainly related to the precise applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems, development of the geographic information systems, digital photogrammetry, 3-D laser scanning, the theory of the geodetic instruments, and the development of the software (both proprietary and free GNU-licensed). The department cooperates with both academic and commercial institutions in Europe and US. It participates in international non-governmental organizations like IGS, FIG, ICA, ISPRS, CIPA, and EARSEL.
The staff of the department consists of 30 people (professors, assistant professors, lecturers, and PhD students). The department is equipped with modern laboratory for the testing of the optical and electronic geodetic instruments, photogrammetric laboratory, remote sensing laboratory, astronomical observatory, and computer facilities which are used for both research and educational purposes.
The department is one of the leading Czech training and research institutions involved in geotechnics. In its courses of geology, engineering geology and hydrogeology, it provides students with the fundamentals necessary for the assessment of properties of the soil and rock environment on the basis of preceding geological processes. In the theoretical courses, including soil mechanics and rock mechanics, students learn about mechanical and physical properties of soils, rocks, and the rock massif. They are also taught to model relations between stress and strain for the solution of application tasks. The applied courses in foundations of constructions and underground structures focus on the interaction of subsoil with load-bearing structures, interaction of underground structures with the rock environment, and progressive foundation techniques and underground structures construction. Beside the traditional processes, the students are taught modern methods of designing and judgement of all types of geotechnical structures with the use of computers, and experimental testing on models or in situ. More and more attention is also given to environmental considerations, specifically in courses on geotechnics and the environment, and wastes and landfills.
The scope of instruction differs in different programmes and branches of study. The most detailed course content can be found in the module of geotechnics of the study branch Transportation and Structural Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The department gives eligible geotechnical courses for students of all branches of studies. Throughout their study, students also gain practical experience in geotechnical and environmental issues during site visits. In addition, they attend practical sessions held in the Centre of Experimental Geotechnics and in the Underground Educational Facility.
Due to the wide range of its interests, the department maintains extensive contacts with the industry. The staff takes part in geological surveys, geotechnical data collection, and geotechnical structures design, construction and monitoring. The department cooperates in foundation design of high-rise buildings, earth and tailing dams, earth structures, waste dumps, industrial and community waste disposals, subway and transport tunnels, galleries and utility tunnels, gas tanks, underground waste repositories, including nuclear wastes and historical buildings conservation.
Within continuing education programmes, the department offers short- and long-term courses for chartered engineers. The courses are mostly accredited by the Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians.
The research activities of the department centre around reliability, optimization and durability of geotechnical structures, sustainable construction, soil structure interaction, performance of challenging geotechnical structures, environmental geotechnics and construction on brownfields.
The education of doctoral degree students is provided within the study branches Transportation and Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Building Structures specializing in soil and rock mechanics, foundation and underground engineering.
The department provides instruction in both theoretical and applied subjects in the Bachelor, Master and doctoral degree study. The main focus is on courses in Hydraulics, Hydrology, River Engineering and Water Management.
The department also serves as a research workplace solving projects of fundamental and applied research. The research carried out at the department is thematically oriented towards:
open channel flow and pipe flow
hydraulics of water structures and transport of sediments
flood protection and revitalization of streams
hill slope and catchment hydrology
rainfall-runoff modelling
transport of contaminants in natural porous formations
The educational activities of the department are focused on the training of future civil engineers in Water Management and Water Engineering, specializing in the complex solution of water engineering and ecological issues in the landscape environment. The teaching activities include the following fields: soil science, groundwater hydraulics, drainage systems and structures, special engineering drainage measures, irrigation systems and structures, watershed protection and management, construction of ponds and special reservoirs, water management, and complex environmental problems related to landscape design and conservation, including the process of environmental impact assessment. The teaching activities of the department centre around the branch of study Water Engineering and Water Structures. Further, the department participates in teaching courses within the study branch Environmental Engineering, and, to a lesser extent, Geodesy and Cartography and Systems Engineering in the Building Industry and Capital Construction. The department also develops international cooperation in the field of education, in addition to research collaboration. The staff is active in the AKTION scheme (with the BOKU Vienna, Austria), and the department members coordinate with the HERIOT-WATT University in Edinburgh, UK.The research activities of the department focus on issues covering complex solutions of water management and ecological elements in the landscape, hydrology of erosion processes, protection of surface water and groundwater from pollution, drainage of foundations of structures and of open-cast mines. Attention is also given to the investigation of transport of pollutants in watersheds, ecological aspects of transport of pollutants in the soil, multicriterion analysis of the effects of structures on the environment, modelling of water movement in the soil, and models of irrigation systems within the framework of water resources systems under climatic changes.The research is conducted in collaboration with Czech research institutes, as well as universities and research institutes abroad, including the Agricultural University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, US Salinity Laboratory, USA, BOKU Vienna, Austria, and KTH Stockholm, Sweden.
The Department’s activities are focused on education and training of future specialists in design, planning, construction, maintenance and operation of hydraulic structures with special attention to hydraulic structures on rivers. That is, in particular, weirs, waterways, locks, dams, hydro-power plants, etc. Apart from the construction problems of hydraulic structures the Department’s interest is also aimed at technological equipment such as valves, hydro turbines, related steel structures, etc. Additional research interest and teaching orientation of the Department of Hydraulic Structures is closely related to the river structures issues, i.e. managing reservoir discharge, problems with systems of reservoir, safety of the hydraulic structures on rivers (including the aspect of climate change), flood protection and management, mathematical and physical modelling of fluid flow problem (hydraulic research).
Systematic development of modern didactic techniques and information technologies, including application of programming within the specialized courses, for teaching purposes belong to the Department’s staff duties.
Research interest of particular lecturers, technical and academic members of Department’s staff is focused on solving water management and hydraulic problems and also on sustainable development of the described areas.
The Department systematically develops its national and international contact base. The employees of the Department are holders of many memberships in various international professional organizations, e.g. International Committee of Large Dams (ICOLD) or International Navigation Association.
The pedagogical and research activities of the department are focused on computer science together with system and optimization modelling for the needs of the building industry and capital construction. The basis is formed by the following theoretical disciplines: mathematical modelling, system modelling, computer systems and information technologies. These disciplines are applied in design and management in the building industry. A specific research focus of the department is on the analysis and information support for the management of construction companies, construction and design offices, as well as the application and development of CAD and GIS systems in designing. The current topic is the introduction of a BIM approach to all areas of construction industry from construction preparation to operation. The department is equipped with a computer lab providing students with access to personal computers and to the university computer network. The department provides education in the doctoral degree in the branch of Systems Engineering in the Building Industry and Capital Construction.
The department provides instruction in foreign languages for all students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The languages taught are English, French, German, Russian Spanish and Italian. Czech language training is offered to international students.
The department offers compulsory courses in foreign languages at higher levels of proficiency and for technical communication. It also offers a wide range of elective and specialized courses. In terms of ESP, students may select exam preparation courses within the English for Civil Engineers (UNIcert® II/ UNIcert® III) language programme. These courses are certified and the department has the right to award the UNIcert International Professional English Examination at both B2 and C1 level.
Besides teaching activities, the department is involved in the optimization of the processes applied in teaching foreign languages for civil engineering purposes. The staff members search and test new methodological concepts and work with modern didactic technologies.
The Department of Architectural Engineering focuses on complex issues related to the design of building structures and the design of residential, public, industrial and agricultural buildings. The objective is to accomplish high-quality structural solutions incorporating a wide spectrum of sustainability criteria – above all the implementation of progressive technologies, new materials and energy- and material-efficient solutions. Special emphasis is put on degradation processes, rehabilitation of failures, reconstruction and modernization projects of buildings and structures.The Department of Building Structures is the core department of the branches of study of Building Structures, Architecture and Building Engineering, Buildings and Environment, Building Structures (in English) a Buildings and Environment (in English). The department also supervises basic courses in building structures in the other branches of Civil Engineering, and in inter-faculty programmes of Intelligent Buildings (both in Czech and English). The department provides instruction in the courses of Building Structures (1 to 6), Building Physics (1 and 2), Project, Studio Work, Failures, Degradation and Reconstruction, Fire Safety and Health Safety, Building Systems, Integrated Building Design, Complex Building Quality Assessment and others. The department also caters for the instruction of postgraduate students in doctoral degree study programmes in the branch of Building Engineering – including ca 30 doctoral degree students in both full-time and part-time study. In the field of research and development, the department deals with both theoretic and experimental research in the field of Building Structures oriented towards sustainable building construction, energy- and material-efficient structures, structural problems connected with the design of load-bearing systems of multi-storey and hall buildings, design of completion structures, including their interaction with load-bearing structures, building physics, fire safety, health safety, degradation processes in constructions and materials, failures, rehabilitation, microbiological effects, building diagnostics etc. Experimental research is carried out in the Central Laboratories and in two departmental laboratories – the Microbiological Laboratory and the Laboratory of Building Diagnostics. Research into photovoltaic systems is carried out on the experimental installation site on the gable roof and the roof of Building B of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
The department provides courses in mathematics, informatics, descriptive geometry and mathematical statistics for all branches and in all programmes of study. The department strives to modernize the teaching methods and contribute to pedagogical research.
Research activities are focused mainly on mathematical and numerical analysis. The staff of the department explore partial differential equations, dynamic systems, functional analysis and general algebra, and they have achieved significant theoretical and application outcomes. Further, they systematically examine mathematical modelling and scientific computing, mathematical applications in geodesy and cartography, as well as applications of mathematical statistics. The department closely cooperates with other departments of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in the solution of practical and application problems.
Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry is responsible for Materials Engineering studies on the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Pedagogical activity of the Department is focused on three basic topics. The first is basic theoretical and experimental courses of building materials, the second basic courses of chemistry, and the third specialized courses of Materials Engineering for Bachelor and Master degree programs. The Department also organizes courses in Doctoral degree program Physical and Materials Engineering.
The research activities are related to the whole spectrum of work concerning the Materials Engineering subject, in particular to experimental and theoretical analyses of heat, moisture and chemical substances transport and storage in building materials, methodology of directed design of building materials and their multilayer systems, and testing, assessment and control of functional properties of building materials and their systems in various conditions including laboratories and realized building structures. Research activities cover wide range of building materials as mortars, gypsum, concrete, bricks, insulating materials, sealants and materials for surface treatment. The examined materials are classical building materials as well as recycled materials.
The department provides tuition in subjects constituting the theoretical basis of most of the study branches of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Engineering Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics of Building Structures, Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity of Materials, Experimental Analysis) for all branches of the Bachelor and Master degree study programmes of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Engineering and Civil Engineering (in English). The department supervises instruction in the Master degree branch of study Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions within the ERASMUS MUNDUS programme. Furthermore, the department participates in the instruction in doctoral degree study programmes in the branch of Building and Transportation Engineering, Physical and Material Engineering, Building Engineering and Water Engineering and Water Management, and offers courses in lifelong learning modules organized by other departments.
Research and development are focused on the analysis of structures based on modern computational and experimental methods. The staff members are engaged in research in the area of modern computational methods, experimental verification techniques, composite materials, porous materials and biomechanics.
The Department of Steel and Timber Structures is oriented towards education and research of steel and timber structures for buildings, industry, transport, as well as road and railway bridges. Current research focuses on a wide range of composite structures, thin-walled structures, structural connections, and fire design. The research is also geared towards mechanical performance of wood and the development of framed houses, as well as towards glass and aluminium structures.
The department offers the mentioned subjects in the form of bachelor, master and doctoral courses. Furthermore, the Department cooperates on complex problems with building practice and standardisation.
The Department Laboratory is well equipped for both teaching and research in the field of steel and timber structure production, as far as material testing and experiments with structures are concerned. The Laboratory is certificated for mechanical tests of metals and welds.
The department provides courses in the area of transportation engineering, design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of roads, motorways, urban roads and airports. In all the mentioned spheres, theoretical instruction is supplemented by laboratory and field work.
Special emphasis in instruction is put on the minimization of the impact of transportation structures and technologies on the environment. The latest trends and technologies directly linked to practical applications are presented in all areas.
The research activities of the department are focused on new types of constructions and technologies applied in the respective fields and on building materials used for road and airport structures. A top-priority issue is the optimization and design of road pavement constructions. Simultaneously, research is oriented towards the optimization of road pavement management and the development of transportation engineering theory focused on topical issues of traffic accident rates and traffic capacities on local roads.
The department provides courses for students of the study branch Geodesy and Cartography in engineering surveying, underground and mining surveying, economics and management systems in surveying and cartography, and fundamentals of law and property rights. Within the framework of elective courses, the department offers tuition in construction and industrial surveying, control surveying and the monitoring of displacements in structures and laser scanning. Further, elective courses are offered in the fundamentals of automation of measurements in engineering surveying, metrology, the Microstation system, business and management in Geodesy and Cartography and Structural and Transportation Engineering study branches, and history of surveying. The department also provides instruction in the field of surveying for all the other study branches of the Faculties of Civil Engineering, Transport Sciences, and Architecture. In the elective courses, the department investigates the applications of surveying in the individual branches of civil engineering.
The research of the department includes topics covering the use of lasers and laser scanning in engineering surveying and in underground and mining surveying, economic issues of surveying, application of statistical methods in engineering surveying, micronets in building and mechanical engineering, the use of geodetical methods in quality and reliability control of constructions, applications of the Global Positioning Systems in engineering surveying, assessment of the quality of geodetical and cartographic works, etc. The department has also had a long-term cooperation with the Czech Egyptologic Institute of the Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague in the investigation of the necropolis in Abusir, Egypt.
The department is equipped with a laboratory oriented primarily towards the application of laser techniques, and authorized to direct and coordinate, on a nation-wide scale, the application of laser technology in engineering surveying and in underground and mining surveying.
The department provides tuition in social sciences for all branches of study. It follows a long-term conception trend of humanizing the studies of technology. It also emphasizes interdisciplinary cooperation between the social, economic and the technical spheres.
The teaching activities focus on compulsory and elective courses in all branches of study and study modules.
The instruction provided to first-year students centres around fundamentals of law (followed by specialized law courses), general concepts and basics of the economic theory, and introduction to philosophy.
Further, the department teaches theoretical courses in economics to students of most branches of study, particularly introduction to the economic theory. The theories of macroeconomics and microeconomics are given special emphasis in seminars for students of economic branches. Those interested in advanced solutions can sign up for the seminar in econometry and corporate strategy, or crisis management.
The courses in humanities aim at developing the personality and creativity of an individual who will be able of overcome barriers to sharing professional values, and act in an ethically responsible, cultured and managerially successful way in the practical domain.
Next, psychology courses provide fundamentals of general psychology. Their knowledge contributes to the increase in motivation to study, the level of interpersonal relations, and improvement of personal abilities. The qualified exploitation of psychological methods and techniques can enhance the development of organizational, managerial, and business skills of the graduates.
Rhetoric, concentrated on the development of the skills needed for presentation of work outcomes, and defence of professional work and projects, has similar goals.
In addition, aesthetics and history courses look at cultural interactions of architecture, civil engineering and landscape design. They comprise courses in art history, historical anthropology (development of conceptual, social and settlement structures). Philosophy subjects for advanced students have a similar professional bias. And finally, elective courses in the history of the Czech state, politology and international relations develop the global social view of students.
The interdisciplinary field of Science - Technology - Society (STS) investigates the impact of engineering and technologies on the individual, society and the environment. The department mainly focuses on its application viewing the ethics of engineering and business practices.
As a continuation of its law courses, the department offers compulsory and elective courses in legislation of the construction industry, commercial and labour law, legislation of the environment, and legislation of settlements and regions. The above instruction is supplemented by introduction to constitutional and administrative law.
Finally, sociology courses develop the social thinking of students and give them a basic orientation in practical social issues. These courses are based on the application of general sociology in business and management (eg. human resources management, small groups management); they also draw from social relations in the civilization development (social ecology).
Students can also register for electives taught by the department exceeding the required limit of credits. The course completion requirements typically comprise a written case study project.
The department has a number of part-time specialists from other institutions (such as the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and Charles University). The research of the department revolves around interdisciplinary topics.
Besides, the department organizes a sociological and psychological survey of applicants for study at the Faculty, its students, and graduates.
The department provides instruction in courses in building services systems (sanitary systems, heating and cooling of buildings, air-conditioning, electrical installations, utility services, artificial lighting and acoustics, computer modelling of building services systems, energy audit) in Bachelor degree study programmes of Civil Engineering, the branches of Building Structures and Environmental Engineering, in the programme of Architecture and Building Engineering and follow-up study programmes of Buildings and Environment (also in English) where the department supervises the specialization in Building Services, and in the inter-faculty study programme of Intelligent Buildings. In the PhD. study, departmental students attend the programme of Building and Structural Engineering. Instruction runs the form of lectures, practical courses, projects, consultations, excursions, summer school and laboratory measurements in the departmental laboratory. Students may use the Instruction and Demonstration Laboratory of Building Services, the Laboratory of Intelligent Buildings and the SW Centre equipped with top-quality specialized software for CAD design and dynamic modelling of buildings’ behaviour (TRNSYS, ESP-r, FLOVENT, DesignBuilder etc.). The department encourages students to write their bachelor, diploma and doctoral dissertation theses there, and instruction at all levels is provided both in Czech and English. In research and development, the departmental activity is concentrated on solving problems related primarily to applied research by participating in national and international grant projects. Among other innovations, the department has developed the National Calculation Tool for the calculation of the energy performance of buildings and the electronic globe stereo thermometer. The department has also participated in the development of the control system for intelligent buildings. It operates the Centre for Diagnostics and Optimization of Energy Systems of Buildings, which provides consultancy, expert and advisory services for industry. Within lifelong learning programmes the department organizes courses for the professional public and specialized courses for corporate clients.
The department is in charge of instruction in Construction Technology catering for students of all branches of study at the Faculty and for students in the doctoral degree study programmes. The courses aim to provide students with new information and basic knowledge in the technology of construction processes, mechanization of the construction industry, theory of pre-production and production site preparation, time scheduling, design of construction site equipment, operative management of construction works, and the use of information technology in these activities. The emphasis is on the extension of technical, technological, economic and organisational knowledge and mastering the principles of independent managerial decision-making in business. An inseparable part is instruction in the fundamentals of health and safety and harmonizing the requirements for production in construction with environmental concerns. The theoretical background of technological courses is the branch of science of construction technology based on the analysis of building processes and solving the nature of production phenomena and issues in mutual interconnections, contexts and consequences. As construction implementation is the result of joint activity of specialists in all professions involved, students are trained with the participation of prominent experts from practice. Thus, instruction may simulate solving potential real life situations in the work of contractors or other business entities. The main objective of instruction is to foster students’ permanent skills of technological thinking and rational approaches to production problems and thus train them into qualified civil engineers prepared for the performance of managerial posts in contracting organizations as well as for their own independent careers in the business sector. In its research and development activity, the department staff members analyze basic construction processes in building and engineering construction, including the necessary mechanisms and auxiliary structures, quantitative and qualification demands for workforce, and optimize their course and continuity into process sets.
The pedagogic activity of the Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning is oriented towards urban planning and regional planning as a complex concept, from urban planning theory and urban design to planning tools. Urban planning is understood as a component of architecture. Therefore, instruction is a well-balanced mix of approaches based upon creativity, original individuality and invention, architectural perception of spatial design on the one hand and approaches ensuing from capability to make use of technical disciplines of civil engineering, social, economic and environmental bases and tools of regional planning on the other. The department provides instruction in urban and regional planning disciplines particularly within the Architecture and Building Engineering and Environmental Engineering branches of study, but also in other branches taught at the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Students in the branch of Environmental Engineering specialized in Urban and Regional Planning are ready for a career in the state administration bodies, in local authorities, in specialized design, consultancy, developer firms and in the business sector.
The research and development activity of the department is focused on town and regional development strategies with an emphasis on the environment, sustainable development and landscape creation and preservation. The department staff members are involved in professional practice providing consultation and advisory services for the state administration and local authorities, elaborating regional planning background materials and documents, expert opinions and expertise and participating in national as well as international conferences. The department organizes a lifelong learning course “Evaluation of the Effect of Planned Structures and Land Use in terms of Interventions in the Landscape” and its staff members also give lectures within other lifelong learning programmes.
The department has contacts with TU Delf, Sheffield Hallam University, Heriot-Watt University, British Council + Know-How-Fund, Legambiente Campania, University of Southampton, Kansas State University.
The department also provides instruction for doctoral degree students.
The department provides the education of prospective water engineers who will be involved in the design, construction and operation of water piping, sewerage, water and sewage treatment plants, building services systems, swimming pools, and spa facilities. The instruction provided by the department includes integrated protection of natural waters and water sources, application of information technologies and software in projects. It is offered mainly to undergraduate students of Water and Environmental Engineering branches. The department also coordinates the Urban Engineering Programme within Water Engineering and Water Structures, Building and Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Business and Management branches. Besides, it offers baccalaureate courses and courses for PhD students. Finally, the department supports continuing education through courses offered to engineers specializing in urban planning.Research activities of the department focus on the treatment of surface water and undergroundwater for the production of drinking and service water, monitoring and modelling of water quality changes in selected areas, drinking water distribution networks and sewer systems. Further, the department is involved in the monitoring and evaluating of efficiency of activities of water treatment plants, intensification of treatment processes, and hydrology of urbanized river basins. Research of the department also aims at coordination of activities carried out within service systems reconstruction, completion and modernization development of current methods of laying service systems lines, optimization and improvement of the operation of water piping and water management systems of spa facilities, areas and zones.
The Department of Railway Structures provides complex instruction in the design, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of railway structures, i.e. railway tracks, stations and junctions, tram and underground railway tracks.
In its research activities, the department is engaged in long-term investigations of the issues of the design and load-bearing capacity of the railway superstructure and the substructure of railway tracks, tram and underground tracks. Special emphasis is placed on the research and testing of new railway constructions and materials for both the substructure and the superstructure (such as geosynthetics, antivibration mats, under-sleeper pads, recycled materials) in laboratory conditions and their verification in working conditions. The department also investigates environmental aspects of railway transport, including the measurement of traffic noise exposure.
The department systematically cooperates with external specialists on specialized research and development tasks for practical implementations. It offers consultations and advisory services to external clients.
The Centre of Experimental Geotechnics (CEG) is a modern experimental department, concerned with research and teaching activities. The Centre employs a team of young specialists in experimental geotechnics.
CEG provides courses in Geotechnics Laboratory, Experimental Research of Radioactive Waste Repositories, Fire Safety of Underground Structures, Project 2, Project D, Diploma Seminar and Experimental Research on Nuclear Waste Disposal, which is taught in English. The courses focus on practical laboratory tests and experiments in geotechnics, as well as on in-situ tests, and on measurements of building foundations and underground structures. Computer technology is mainly used in continual measurements of geotechnical parameters performed both in laboratory and in field conditions. Experimentally-oriented Bachelor, diploma projects and doctoral dissertation theses are elaborated at CEG laboratories under the supervision of the research staff members.
CEG operates the Josef undeground laboratory. It is a working place providing practical teaching for students, and it is also a unique place for experimental and research projects. The Regional Underground Research Centre URC Josef provides service and working space to privat companies in related fields of interest.
CEG widely cooperates with industry. It provides professional services in determining geotechnical parameters of soil and rock environments. It also conducts the monitoring of underground structures, special building structures and others.
The CEG staff members are involved in research projects in the area of underground structures (modern tunnelling technologies), ecology (waste storage) and physical modelling of geotechnical problems. Within the framework of international grant projects, CEG participates in the research of high-level radioactive waste storage in underground repositories working in cooperation with the Ecole des Mines de Nancy - University of Lorraine (France), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Helsinki University of Technology, with research establishments SCK-CEN Mol (Belgium), POSIVA Oy (Finland) and others.
The Experimental Centre is used by the staff members of all departments and specializations focusing on the instruction in building structures and materials. The Centre offers favourable conditions for experimental research meeting the needs of instruction, work on specific grant and departmental projects, and cooperation with industry.
The Centre is organizationally divided into three mutually linked parts. The Material Laboratories perform technological evaluations, mainly production of experimental elements, structural parts or complete structures. The Testing Laboratories are equipped with technological apparatus and machinery necessary for performing mechanical, static, and dynamic tests of building structures and materials. The Measurement and Evaluation Centre collects experimental results using standard software as well as their own program
The Laboratory of Special Microscopy was established in 2024 as a workplace covering the shared SEM FIB Laboratory and the Laboratory of Microstructural Analysis.
The SEM-FIB Laboratory was established with the support of the OP JAK Ph.D. Infra project to support teaching and excellent research activities in doctoral materials-oriented study programs across participating CTU faculties. The founding members of the shared laboratory are the Faculties of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Transportation Sciences. The laboratory conducts research, teaching and training of people from cooperating departments that are members of the Laboratory. Members participate in the operation of the Laboratory. Other interested parties in the Laboratory's services from among CTU employees and students can apply for access to the Laboratory through the Laboratory Administrator in the so-called "open access" mode. The laboratory is intended for microanalysis and detailed characterization of a wide range of materials at the microscopic level. The main instrument of the Laboratory is a high-resolution scanning electron microscope combined with a Xe-plasma focused ion beam, so-called UHR FE-SEM and Xe Plasma FIB from TESCAN, The instrument combines an electron and ion beam with precisely aligned foci, which allows simultaneous imaging of the sample surface during its processing using an ion beam and significantly increases the accuracy and efficiency of analyses. The instrument is also equipped with EDS and EBSD detectors, which are used for chemical analysis of samples, identification of elemental composition, detection of local differences in the material, information about the crystallographic structure, grain orientation and phase composition of materials. The system supports FIB-SEM Tomography, including 3D imaging using the “slice & view” method, and also contains a nano-manipulator. Correlative analyses, including in-situ nanoindentation, can be performed on the created microstructures.
The Microstructural Analysis Laboratory is equipped with specialized instruments for advanced mechanical analysis of materials, including a Bruker-Hysitron nanoindenter for detailed micro-/nano-mechanical characterization and equipment for sample preparation. The system allows measuring elastic, viscoelastic, plastic and fracture properties of materials in nm³-µm³ volumes, providing mapping of these properties from the sample surface, performing scratch tests and other analyses. Selected analyses can also be performed inside the SEM chamber using the Hysitron Picoindenter. The laboratory is also equipped with a simple atomic force microscope, the AFM, for precise scanning of the sample surface morphology.
Water management experimental centre (VEC) is joint department which focusing on the subjects of water management connected with a study program Civil Engineering of the Faculty as well as for specialized subjects connected with branch Water management and Water recourses. VEC provide opportunities for experimental courses focusing on practical laboratory tests and experiments in water managementas a result of study program, grant and scientific works of departments as well as from cooperation with industry in water and ecological branches. Experimentally-oriented Bachelor, diploma projects and doctoral dissertation theses are elaborated at VEC laboratory under the supervision of the research staff members. The VEC laboratories are equipped with technological apparatus and machinery necessary for performing physical modelling of water management problems.
Responsible: prof. Jiří Máca, dean
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice